The cache is hidden in Toilers Park in the Point Road district of south Winnipeg. This cache was originally part of the Scrabble game series. About This Cache In 1923 a cottage at this site was purchased for a clubhouse by the Toilers basketball team who went on to become champions in 1926, 1927 and 1932. In 1933 the team was devastated by an airplane crash while returning from a championship game in Oklahoma. The tragedy strengthened their bonds of friendship and in 1965 the site was converted to a city park to commemorate the Toilers team spirit. From the cache, you'll have a clear view of the Elm Park Bridge with it's elusive little cache. The hide is quite close to a private residence so you may need to use some discretion. Scrabble Results Congratulations to the following Scrabble winners:
Complete results and the final Scrabble game board can be seen at Scrabble-G |
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
9/26/2006 by Kabuthunk
Awright! I have been informed yesterday that the cache is still in place, and has not been destroyed by the mass de-burring. For this, I am quite glad... since I'm not really wanting to leave DNF's alone. Anyhoo... wandered over this morning. Kinda annoyingly cold and windy, but surprisingly (if you include me), there was 400% more people there than last time!
IE: There was 3 people other than me.
In either case... one of 'em was doing some shovelling work near the entrance to the park, and the other two were sitting looking out at the river (awww... cold, kinda damp, and miserable... how romantic ). Hence, I just kinda wandered in, and the pair were a bit over a hill, so they didn't have a good view anyway. Coordinates were SIGNIFICANTLY better this time around. Don't know what was throwing me off last time, but I musta been a good 15 meters from the cache when it tried to zero out. Damn satellites. In either case, today I zoomed right in and snagged it. Pretty visible actually. Might have seen it last time, but I was trying to avoid getting any closer whatsoever to the residential lot
. Twas a good find though. A lot less 'burr-y' this time around
Took: Rubber lizard (EHEHEHEHEHEHE! There's a lizard version?!?!?)
Left: Logbook entry, chainmail ball (see profile) and rubber frog (tradin' out the frog for the new lizard).
9/24/2006 by Kabuthunk
Umm... not entirely sure if something has befallen this cache or not right now. Someone who's found it may want to verify things, but when I got there... there was a ton of chopped-down burr-bushes and other assorted vegetation, and the area that had been cleared out (of which the coordinates were pointing to the center of) was completely open, devoid of any trees or anything that could hide anything, and the ground was covered with some mesh grass-cover thing, I assume to make it look more natural until regular grass does grow into there.
I however was unaware of this when I got to the park. When I found that the coordinates were a plain, empty area, I figured I must have entered the coordinates slightly incorrectly (since this particular one I ended up entering manually into the GPS). Hence... I went off to search amongst the rocky embankment along the river. About 20 minutes of searching there, I gave up and called it quits.
Man, I should have taken it as a sign when, immediately before trying any geocaching today, I got what was quite possibly the worst sandwich I've ever had the misfortune of eating from Safeway. Unfortunately, I was already a mile or so from Safeway, so I didn't bother going back. But it was a sign... and I ignored it .
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)