Cache contains a FTF certificate with 2-$5 Grapes coupons. Initial contents: Now, here's the info you need to find it.... Store 1: The co-ordinates above will lead you to a dollar-style store.
Following are the clues to complete the co-ordinates for the 2nd
store: Store 2: NOTE: The dollar style store at location 2 has closed. However, the clue below is still valid. At the coordinates is a "hallway" towards the mall offices inside. When in the entrance to this hallway, the correct unit is to your left. The first 2 digits of store's unit number in the mall will
complete either the latitude or longitude of Store 3. Store 3: Where A=1, B=2, etc., sum the characters (numbers and letters)
in the store's Unit number and multiply the result by the number of
characters you summed to complete the latitude of the Cache. Store 1 co-ordinates: Provided in this listing. Store 2 co-ordinates: 49° _ _.054' N 97° 1_._31' W Store 3 co-ordinates: 49° _ _.485' N 97° _ _.685' W Cache co-ordinates: 49° 52._ _ _' N 97° _ _.894' W Good luck and happy hunting!
11/2/2006 by Kabuthunk
VICTORY IS MINE! Excellent cache by the way. Found it despite my own... idiocies that decided to attempt to hold me back for a bit . In either case, the puzzles to get from one location to the other were quite well laid out. I took some phrases a little bit TOO literally, which kinda slowed me down at one point, but in the end I got to correct places and ended up with correct coordinates.
Was debating whether or not to leave the final of this cache for a while, as I didn't see any attribute indicating it was winter-friendly or not. The hint would indicate the latter however. Hence... I had a choice to make. I could either wait and cross my fingers that the snow melts, or I could go new before it snows more. Me, being the type who doesn't like leaving DNF's unfound (unless they go archived), figured that as much as Mother Nature hates every ounce of my being, I decided to make a deal with Old Man Winter and tackle it today. Off I went! Didn't have much time, so I was hoping for a relatively quick find. Upon getting to the area, it was indeed snow-covered. So much for hoping that any kind of vegetation would have kept that big snowfall out . But luckly... I had one of those cheap $2 gloves that I use for cobweb-digging and wet-logbook-drying. Time to shovel some white stuff. And after much shoveling, I had a cache in hand
Oh, and if anyone thinks they'll get an easy find after I've gone there, forget about it. I've made more paths and shoveled so much in the vicinity, that it could STILL be damn near anywhere .
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball
10/30/2006 by Kabuthunk
Just indicating that the beginning of finding this cache has begun. Unfortunately, for some reason my Cachemate on the palm pilot decided to... umm... truncate some of the description... thusly eliminating my ability to solve it on-site, so to speak. I must admit, it was quite frustrating to attempt to solve this cache when I'm missing... y'know... vital information and such .
However, copied the data from "Store 1", so at the bare minimum, now that I'm at a computer I can solve the coords to "Store 2". I get the uncanny feeling this is going to end up being a several-day venture to get this cache at this rate, but no problems. Maybe I'll just say 'nuts' to paperless caching for this particular one and print out the page. That, or re-upload it to the palm-pilot, and see if things actually match up before taking off .]
EDIT (Nov 1 - AM): Awright, Nov. 1st, and I THINK I located store 2. However... something seems a tad askew. Methinks I'll investigate this before I spend a tank of gas and half a day driving around .
EDIT (Nov. 1 - PM): Hurrah! Had to kinda fanangle some numbers around and kinda go off a gut feeling at one point, but store 3 has been found, and what I believe to be the final coordinates have been obtained. Will be going after the cache either today or tomorrow... but that also depends on the weather. Preferably let some of the snow melt in case it's not winter-accessible.
[This entry was edited by Kabuthunk on Wednesday, November 01, 2006 at 10:42:14 PM.]
10/9/2006 by Kabuthunk
Dang. Wish this one had been categorized as a puzzle cache instead of a multi. Wandered here to attempt it at random after having claimed another cache vaguely nearby, only to find that I was standing in front of a store with pretty much no possible place that a cache with a set of coordinates could hide (well, unless it's a nano that could slide into an indent between bricks). Doesn't matter though, since I looked between all of the bricks in the area and didn't see a damn thing .
Oh well... I'll write down the instructions to this fella before tackling it next time... hopefully sometime this week, since I don't really like to leave DNF's unfound. Fear not, it SHALL be claimed eventually!
Hints (Back)
Under end of a fallen log - tight fit.