Nano. Placed at one of many many hated street corners in Winnipeg. Please place back where you found it... No writing stick, bring your own. Pencil works best. |
10/2/2008 by Kabuthunk
Egh... after having just now read Turdle's log, I almost wish I hadn't found the cache . But hey... at least it was heimliched out of you. I'd say that's probably a better option than being quite possibly the first person ever capable of saying that you've swallowed a geocache
I as well had some interesting fun at this geocache. Actually, I'm a bit surprised I went goecaching today to begin with. I was feeling somewhat ill in general since yesterday. So instead of throwing up at work, I decided to call in sick. Of course, in my manager's infinite wisdom, he required that I get a doctor's note for not coming in. Seriously, what is it with workplaces and asking for those? I can see if you're sick X times in a month, but c'mon! Yes, thank you supervisor... driving around, followed by sitting for several hours in a walk-in clinic's waiting room with dozens of other sick people is FAR more benificial to me than... say... bedrest and liquids. Surprise of surprises, the doctor told me exactly what I knew... go home, get bedrest, drink liquids. Hey, thanks supervisor for requesting that $20 note. Next time I'll just come to work and throw up on your desk. At least I get paid for being at work, instead of coughing up $20 and gas money.
*ahem* Sorry... kinda went off on a tangent there. It DID have a point though, sorta. Since I needed to leave to get that @$#&^&$ doctor's note, I figured I might as well bring the GPS, sack o' chainmail balls, and a pen with me. If I have to be up and about... might as well, right? Besides, this is day 12 in my streak of consecutive days finding a cache!
On another note... this cache actually has a bit of a special quality in regards to me. This is find 444 for me, while at the same time having 4 cache hides .
Don't mind me... arbitrary but uniform strings of numbers amuse me .
But the 444-4 aside, this was probably the closest cache to work by this point. Or at least close thereto. Hence, after getting my $%#*&$^*% note on South Pembina, I just headed straight North towards this one. A nice easy path that would be hard for me to screw up in my kinda hazy, dizzy state. A few minutes later, and I was there.
Funny thing about this particular cache... my brother used to live in an apartment LITERALLY about 40 meters from the cache, in the corner apartment there. He's since moved out, but has told me that on many a night, he and his girlfriend would sit out on the balcony and watch people get tagged by this particular evil eye. Apparently it sees a lot of action.
And speaking of seeing action, apparently this cache is bad luck for me today. When I pulled up, I had to wait about 10 minutes before I could go after the cache. I got to view the inside of one of these evil eyes. Or at least the photo-taking portion. A city worker had taken this one down temporarily to either adjust it, turn it on, or turn it off... I have no way of knowing which. When he finally left, I moved in. And find it I did! This one seems to have a bit of a different hiding method than the others... but it was still found in short order.
The next bit of bad luck (aside from handling a cache almost swallowed by TurdleEggs ) is that I lost my first nanomail ball meant for this cache. So if you're desperate to have one, it's somewhere in the grass within about 10 meters of the cache
. Almost lost the second one, too! However, I managed to sign the log and get the second nanomail ball in, and replace it. Mission accomplished!
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and nanomail ball (possibly two, depending on how you look at it )
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On the pole of the Evil Eye...