Some places you might be worried about going down a heavily forested trail. Well, not here in “Friendly Manitoba”. In fact, we give you stuff. We do have a little problem with our geocaches getting mugg(l)ed, though. This is my first cache and the reason why I am putting this out is to help all the nice folks who put out caches for the rest of us. Since I have noticed that most caches do not have a geocaching sticker, probably due to the high cost and inconvenience to get them, I got a bucket load of them made. They are medium sized and I have a LOT of them. So, please drop by this "new trail" and get some stickers for your caches. Even if you are not putting out a cache, grab a couple and maybe use them as a trade item when you are far a field. And, for you out of province folks, please have one because it has our MBGA logo proudly displayed on them. Remember, I got LOTS of stickers and I do not need anything in return. So, get some stickers on your caches so that they don't get "mugg(l)ed". If you use up your stickers, come on back and get more. This is an easy cache, since it is my first I want to make it easy for people to get to. To start off there will be a few dozen stickers (if you let me know it's getting low, I will put more in) and an FTF certificate and prize (a geocaching patch). |
9/23/2006 by Kabuthunk
Quite an easy find, but very creative. Definitely liked the method by which this cache was hidden . Although, when I was approaching the cache from the south (seeing as how, in typical Kabuthunk fashion, I pretty much just bushwhacked my way straight to the cache instead of wandering around for 10 minutes looking for a trail), I thought for a minute it would be hidden somewhere in that wreck of an old car on the other side of the trail. Wish I had a camera with me so I could take a picture of it. Curiosity has been getting to me since passing it to know what type of car that once was. It was rusted like no tomorrow, but I'm still curious. In either case, wandered past the cache before doubling back to it. Man, once you see the main kinda... hiding location, you just KNOW it's gotta be there somewhere
After looking at this page, I didn't even realize there was a TB in here. Didn't spot it offhand, but from looking at it's TB page, it looks like it's fairly small, and could have fit pretty much anywhere fairly easily. So odds are it was at the bottom of the bag o' swag, and I just didn't see it.
Took: Geocache sticker (wooh! Now I won't have to wait as long to get my first hide going!)
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball (see profile)
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