This cache includes Canadian Tire Money and a certificate for the FTF. The cache includes many odds and ends, including a disposable camera. Feel free to take a picture, however leave the camera for us to develop at a later date. Please enjoy the view, and be sure to visit the amazing beaver dam on this trail. |
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
5/21/2007 by Kabuthunk
Fourth cache of the day at Birds Hill park. Lots of biking needed around there, since evidently nothing is particularily close to anything else . But I went pretty much straight to this one after having tackled the Rock Hill a little south. Lots of nice, relatively smooth trails to bike down from one to the other though
Took me a bit of searching around to find this one actually. The GPS was kinda jumping around here and there, so I was wandering back and forth through the trees until I managed to get it to zero out and stay that way . Was poking around various logs and whatnot when I glanced to the side and noticed something was... off somehow. Investigating further, I discovered one of the coolest cache camos I've ever seen
However, just as a note... it appears that some large animal has attempted to eat your camo. Nothing major, just some scratch marks and what looks like where a tooth or two dug in. It's still in good condition, going strong .
Took: XBox toy game thing (at least I THINK it was at this geocache. If I'm incorrect, I apologize)
Left: Logbook entry, lots of stickers (again, I believe it was at this particular cache), and chainmail ball
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)