Just an ordinary hiway with an ordinary tree line, until now, for now it has a cache prize.( no money here ) But only the first hunter to find it can collect the FTF. But that will still leave the usual trinkets of trading. And be sure to sign your exploits into the log book. Happy Hunting |
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
10/17/2006 by Kabuthunk
Man, there really IS all kinds of interesting goodies and whatnots and thingies in this cache. Unfortunately, I didn't read the cache page before heading here (just kinda went on a whim), so I didn't have anything weird to leave in the cache. Well, except a chainmail ball, which I'm told is unique and weird, so I guess that can count .
In either case... this cache was close to another one (School Daze), so figured I'd tackle this one too. Just my luck though, when I parked, there must have suddenly been like... 20 times the amount of traffic. Had to wait a good few minutes for it to clear up enough to head out of the car and bolt for the stand of trees. Was a VERY easy find once I got inside though. Didn't exactly need to hunt around for this one for an hour . Yeah, this cache's camouflage isn't so much blending in than it is just straight-out seclusion
. Cool little place though. I honestly wish I lived closer so I could string up a hammock between some of those trees in summer and chill there while playing some Gameboy DS or something
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball.
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)