Cache is a small international coffee tin painted black. Contains log book, pencil, and Spongecow Travel Bug on it's way home to PEI. Good Luck and Happy Hunting. |
5/10/2009 by Kabuthunk
After having seen that the cache was indeed found not long ago (the definition of 'not long' apparently being a month ), I knew that at one point or another I'd have to make my way back to this cache. Thus... Mother's Day. My mom was chilling at my Sister's place in Carman for Mother's Day, so I had planned to drive out there to spend some time with the family. Thus, at about noon, I headed towards Carman.
One drive later, I find myself about 18km South of the cache for some good food and family. But... a quick snacking later, and it's time for more important things... geocaching! Myself and family Blagden went out for some North-of-Carman geocaches today. There was still several in Elm Creek that we hadn't found, and more importantly this particular cache had an unresolved DNF associated with it. Since I've recently resolved virtually all other DNF's, I wasn't about to let this one slip through my grasp .
Travelling a familiar road, we quickly found ourselves near the coordinates again. Definintely a lot nicer out today than last time... and the distinct lack of 4-foot-high snowdrifts also made it a bit easier to get to . We found the cache quite quickly... so yeah, it DEFINITELY wasn't there when we were here in March. Opening the container, we noticed that the lid for it was cracked... or more accurately, some of the plastic along one of the corners was actually missing! to say the least, the logbook was completely drenched. I'm talking... no way to turn a single page drenched. I attempted to turn the pages to whatever the next empty one would be, but was completely unsuccessful at doing so. I have a Fisher Space Pen, so it wouldn't have any problems writing on wet paper... but I figured I'd probably do more damage to the logbook than if I signed something else.
Hence, I took a page from my notepad of waterproof paper (yay rite-in-the-rain paper!) and signed it for both myself and Blagden, and basically just put that alongside the logbook. We attempted to dump as much water out of the cache as possible, but one way or the other the logbook needs to be replaced, along with the cache container's lid.
But hey... at least I've left a sheet of waterproof paper in there so that others can at least sign something if they arrive before some maintenance is done on the cache.
Otherwise, thanks for the trip out to Elm Creek again. I'm quite glad that the cache didn't decide to elude me again, since as my brother-in-law put it, "that DNF was burning a hole into my soul" .
So yeah... a fun trip out to town, and a quick find that resolved the DNF. We managed to get one other cache in town today, but there's still one other Micro kicking around for the next time I'm going nearby .
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry, waterproof paper page, and chainmail ball
3/28/2009 by Kabuthunk
After a successful find at the nearby 'For the Birds' cache, we immediately drove to the next nearest one... 'On the Button'. After a bit of looping around on the roads (of which it looks like the TOPO map didn't recognize the road this cache is beside... yeah, I've gotta get around to installing Citinav or something), we eventually came close to the cache. Being as this town seemed to be basically dead on the weekend, we just parked on the side of the road, which according to the GPS, ended up being about 7 meters from the posted coordinates .
Hopping out, we quickly learned that the snow-plows have made for approximately 4-foot high drifts (of mostly frozen ice, at this point) all along the side of the building. Well... that puts a bit of a damper on walking up and locating the cache .
Not to be easily deterred, we headed towards the coordinates (which didn't really take all that long, it being an eye-popping 7 meters away ). I naturally stayed back, given I was too stupid to get boots before going geocaching. The Blagden crew however were all well-dressed for snow plunging, and thus I let them attempt to locate the container.
The first attempt would normally be considered a somewhat highish place for a cache, but given the drifts was quite accessible. Unfortunately, they didn't find a thing there. Trying the next nearest similar high-point, my brother-in-law sunk up to his waist in the snow. At this point, I was DEFINITELY glad I stayed off to the side. Sure, it may look frozen, but apparently it's got some soft spots, that snowdrift. The last thing I need is to lose a shoe in there or something . After he extricated himself from the drift and continued the search, we turned up empty on both counts
At this point, we were left with the thought the the cache is quite likely sitting underneath about 4 feet of snow. Not having a shovel at the time, and even if we did, not having the urge to try digging through 4 feet of semi-frozen drift in the blind hope we were even digging in the right place, if it even IS under the snowdrift... we opted to take a DNF on this one and continue onwards.
Fear not... for we shall be back. Don't know if Blagden will be attempting to tackle this again prior to my visiting them, but hopefully the next time we're out, there will be significantly less snow stopping us .
I shall return!
EDIT: A few thoughts come to mind... this is also Blagden's first offically-under-that-username DNF... so it looks like it's a day of firsts for them . Secondly... I just noticed that this cache indicates to be winter-friendly. Perhaps it normally is, but the 4-foot drifts managed to defeat it's friendliness, but I'm wondering if perhaps we just didn't see it in the places we were searching, or if it's missing. We'll definitely have to come back to this sometime or another... although I'm still waiting until the snow is gone
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Have Fun!