Attack 1

I love how Mother Brain looks here XD


WOOOOOOOH, happy 22 year anniversary of Planet Zebeth! And to celebrate, aside from the celebratory consumption, we have Mother Brain tumbling at absolutely ridiculous speeds down a hill! I do hope that she had an empty stomach/gullet/energy processing receptacle before partaking in this plan.

But yes, as linked just above, 22 year anniversary, WOOOOOH! So that's all kinds of awesome. We've moved into a better place, our stuff is FINALLY being unpacked, I'm seeing things that I haven't seen in three years, we're doing an absolute TON of laundry, my bicycle is a scant one week away from having wheels again, things are coming together!!!

So yes... a little bit more unpacking, and I might actually have access to that table that's in our room here, upon which I can create some art (as well as the back yard, but I need to unpack boxes to get to my staves to carve lol, though my carving tarp is actually, literally hanging to dry outside right now, so that's pretty close down the road. And I'm currently looking at the suitcase that contains my carving tools in it (the purple one). So it's close... progressing into the future is SO CLOSE! Boxes for years, waiting, so much waiting, paperwork, and now progress!!!! Oh my goodness you have no idea how good this feels!!!!

So we are very happy, and getting happier by the day ^_^ ^_^

Not a whole ton of additional updates past the above, I got some new earrings, as seen in the fly chronicles page. There's the ton of art mentioned in the Real Zebeth art comic, and yah... not a whole ton more can happen until some more unpacking happens, which means boxes need to be moved for more boxes to be opened, and you get the idea, it's a process. But I can see the floor beside the bed, and that's something to celebrate too!!!

So we move forwards. I... don't know how long it will take to actually *open* all of these boxes, I clearly had more space in the past (let alone two people's belongings in here now), so shelving may be required (safe bet), some things may need to be relegated to boxes or suitcases still (at least new boxes), and... yah, we'll get it. But oh my goodness, to see some of these things finally emerge after so long.

So have a beautiful day everyone, keep on watching my song-a-day youtube channel for your daily dose of Kabutroid, and I will keep you posted with more updates and unpacking and stuff! Also the song-a-day occasionally features an unboxing of one of my packed boxes, so those are always interesting. Also also, expect the next Zebeth comic to come sooner than the last, as life has finally begun moving forwards again ^_^


*thump* *rumble*
It's definitely getting louder...
*whump* *rumble*

Most sprites are property of Nintendo, who are awesome and and amazing and stuff, and also this is a parody and also it's always ever been free.
Comics, ideas, Kabutroid, and other custom content owned by KatieLynne Jackson. I'm pretty easygoing, and really don't mind all that much if you make content based on my content and stuff. Just don't go impersonating me and we're cool.