You need to decipher the following to obtain the final co-ordinates: 0151096201 275 28 3 Parking is available south west of the final cache
location. Logging Etiquette: Geocache hiders sometimes go through a great deal of planning to place their caches. As a result, they'd like to hear your feedback on whether you liked or disliked any aspect of the hide, or if you feel that some cache maintenance is required. Blank, single word, acronym, or emoticon logs may be easier when you have a lot of caches to log, but it doesn't tell the hider or other finders anything about your adventure (or lack thereof) in finding the cache. Please keep this in mind when entering your log. |
9/21/2008 by Kabuthunk
My first find of the day! Well, as much of a day as I had... I only dragged myself out of bed at about noon .
Anyhoo... as with the 'Take 4' cache, this one obviously works the same way. However, despite knowing how to solve it, I simply don't have the time to spend a day researching it to be able to solve the puzzle 100% myself. Hence, I requested a bit of assistance on that part from an old friend, and obtained the coordinates much the same way I did last time. Sorry I couldn't do everything 100% on my own, but alas, time is simply not on my site for a puzzle like this one.
That aside, today I planned to hit up several geocaches. Mainly, I wanted to locate two puzzle caches (this one and one other), since those have been sitting on my GPS with my custom 'solved puzzle' icon for way too long. It's about time to remove those icons by way of finding some caches . A long drive in the general direction of the coordinates (traffic was really slow today, to boot... making it seem twice as long), and I quickly neared ground zero. I ended up looping back and forth along the road near the coordinates a few times, looking for legal parking. I just wasn't looking at the signs close enough though... since I was considering the "no stopping - snow route" as a "no stopping anytime" type of thing. What ended up cluing me in was that another car was parked on the side of the road a while off. That road doesn't seem to have enough of a shoulder to seem legal to park there... but eh... it works. I wasn't towed anyway
Hopping out, I headed for the cache. I've always enjoyed the scenery at this general location. It just seems like... the country, or something. I don't know why, but at the bare minimum, it was nice and relaxing . Thankfully, there was very few bystanders kicking around, so that wasn't a problem. Upon kinda spiraling my way towards the coordinates, I spotted the cache container quite quickly. Actually, I ended up spotting the method by which it's held in place before the container itself. It blends in quite nicely, to say the least
Retrieving it, I cracked it open and had a looksee. I snagged a geocoin, which is quite possibly the coolest looking one I've ever come across . Not seeing anything else I'd trade for (seeing as it's rare that I trade anyway), I tossed in a chainmail ball and clamped it shut. The cache's hiding spot looks like it would be quite difficult to replace it, but it surprisingly slurped right back into place without any fuss.
I STILL like how it's hidden... mental note on this particular method of natural camouflage... it has great potential .
A quick trot back to the car (I think all of a single car went by while I was there, it was so quiet), and off I went to the next geocache.
Thanks for the pseudo-forest, pseudo-country, relaxing geocache location. I very much enjoy the ones hidden around here .
Took: Geocoin
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball
Hints (Back)
This cache would have been better served being hidden in February to coincide with the month's school age theme.