Located in a high muggle area, just off the public parking lot. This will be an easy grab, but getting in and out unnoticed will be the challenge. My six year old chose the spot, and probably having a kid pseudo-muggle or two would be helpful as you won't look out of place here with them enjoying the space. Please don't move the cache higher up the tree as it then becomes more difficult for kids to grab it. Thanks. |
The cache is a camo'ed small prescription pill bottle. It only has room for the pencil and log book, and small objects like geocoins. My kids have spent lots of time here learning their skills, and I finally thought 'this place should have a cache'. There is of course a FTF certificate for the initial visitor.
Additional Hints Hints
Current at 11/6/2011
6/26/2010 by Kabuthunk
Found this cache while kicking around the area waiting for friends to show up. I'm actually somewhat surprised I was able to get this one while staying relatively dry. I had just finished locating the nearby CSS II cache, and after finding my way to Tims to snag some coffee (way too busy around in the middle of the day on Saturday to go after that cache), I was debating whether or not to walk over to this one. It would be a relatively short walk... but those clouds... they weren't looking all that particularly friendly.
Given that as I left Tims, the drizzle was starting to come down. I had visions of being either almost to, or at the cache site when a massive downpour hit, and then I'd be forced to walk the half-kilometer or so back to the car through the onslaught. I had after all about an hour and a half before my friend would be back at their apartment (I'd shown up in the area early to get some geocaching in)... so sitting in my car soaking wet and cold didn't exactly appeal to me
. Back to the car! Not wanting to abandon geocaching at merely the chance of a downpour (albeit a fairly high chance), I figured I'd see how close I could get.
Being completely unfamiliar with the area, I didn't stumble across the blatantly obvious parking lot that was immediately beside the park. No, I ended up parking on whatever residential street is just to the West of the park, and walked down some back-alley type road that led up to the building. It was drizzling a bit more by this point, so I tried to step it up a bit. At least if a downpour started, I'd be able to bolt it back to the car pretty quick. Or try to seek shelter under the trees, depending on the rain direction.
In retrospect, I have a small, collapsible umbrella in my car... kinda stupid of me to have forgotten that, but oh well
Once at the coordinates, I began the hunt. I started out by just standing nearby and looking over where I thought ground zero was. After about a minute, I came to the conclusion... that it wasn't visible from that side. Circling around a bit, still... nothing. Checking my GPS again, I discovered that it had been playing tricks on me again, and I was several meters away. Going now towards the ACTUAL ground zero, I spotted the cache container almost instantly. Actually, I'm a bit surprised it hasn't gone missing. The cache description mentions that kids play around here, and like I said... the cache wasn't exactly invisible to the naked eye.
But thankfully, there was absolutely nobody around. There was plenty of cars in the parking lot, but of actual people... not a one. I quickly opened the cache and signed up the logbook. Wanting to not draw attention to myself, I made the process as quick as possible and replaced it as found. Turning back to the car, I was pleased at how the weather had decided to cooperate with me for this. Even the drizzle had let off by this point! All in all, quite the pleasant caching today
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball
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Hints (Back)
Four feet, or so, off the ground.