“We hold thee safe” The Winnipeg Fire Department was established in 1882. Firefighting is a profession where its members are called upon daily to risk their own lives to save others from dangerous situations. Firefighters undergo rigorous training and continually upgrade their skills to be able to safely fight fires and perform rescue operations. DO NOT PARK IN FIRE DEPARTMENT LOTS OR IN ANYPLACE YOU WILL INTERFERE WITH EMERGENCY VEHICLES COMING OR GOING FROM HALL. Park on street and abide by all parking regulations. Micro only has room for log, so please bring a writing utensil. Make sure you place cache back exactly as you found it. Cache is in busy area near museum, please use stealth. Congratulations to GeoPahkers on FTF. |
7/30/2010 by Kabuthunk
This cache actually put up quite a fight to be found. Having found several other caches of the FILO series, I had a general idea of what I was looking for, but in the end that actually didn't help me in the slightest . Having just finished finding the nearby Pinehurst Park Cache, I figured I might as well attempt to tackle this guy while I'm in the area. I had actually been debating whether to go after it or not on the way TO the Pinehurst cache, but given that was an attempt to clear up a previous DNF, I was more concerned with that.
So... said DNF resolved, I headed back the way I came over towards this cache. As I turned back onto the street, I realized that perhaps I should have gotten it earlier. As it seems with every single PNG type cache, I'm managing to be traveling in the wrong direction for parking on the street . Not seeing any driveways past the coordinates to turn around at, I realized that just a bit past the fire station was a little extra lane for parking. WOOH! Yay for blind, stupid luck
Hopping out of the car, I headed towards ground zero. There however appears to be a rather... unpleasant object right around where ground zero was. It looks like a... animal of some sort... not even sure what that was... had been killed by a dog or something, and its remains were being hungrily devoured by tons of flies. So yeah... if you're going after the cache, you may want to watch your step. Avoiding that, I circled around the area, attempting to locate the cache container. Frustratingly, I don't know if it was just the GPS deciding to be weird, but the coordinates kept on dragging me onto the sidewalk, not particularly near anything at all. Well, except the aforementioned animal. Trying not to be too conspicuous, I wandered over to that brick fence and leaned against it while pulling out my GPS. I figured that perhaps either the previous logs, description, or hint might help me out with this here. I had circled every tree, but still kept coming up empty. The description didn't help at all, but one aspect of one of the previous logs did, as did the hint. Well... it helped in that I knew to avoid the fence itself, anyway . I'm sure the hint would have helped more, had the cache actually been placed where it was meant to be placed.
It looks like at one point or another since the last finder located this cache on the 24th, either the wind, weather, or animals had knocked it from wherever it was hidden. As I was doing another circle of the area, my eyes came across the unmistakable shape of a cache container lying on the ground. Snagging it and opening it up confirmed this. On the plus side... WOOH! Cache recovered ! Signing up the logbook and dropping a micromail ball into the container, I was now left with the decision as to where to place the geocache.
Having absolutely no clue where it was supposed to be, and with my GPS keeping on telling me that ground zero was on the sidewalk, I decided to go with the theory of 'what seems right'. Not taking the cache container too far from where I found it on the ground (it wasn't actually beside a tree... more just kinda in the middle of nowhere), I placed it where I had figured would have been a really good spot to hide the container earlier. With the cache container tucked into the hiding spot, I figured this was about as good as it was going to get at the moment. The cache owner may however want to double-check the placement. If you can't locate it, send me a message and I'll let you know specifically where I placed it.
Other than that though, it was a fun hunt, and I'm glad I was able to retrieve it before either an animal or curious people did .
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and micromail ball
Hints (Back)
A clove hitch is used to attach a rope firmly to a round object, such as a tree or a fence post.