Cache is a taped pill bottle (Thanks to Flotsom and Jetsom for the container). Contains a log book, pencil and has room for small tradables. Lots of parking available and the cache should be wheelchair accessible. Original contents: Red LED keyring light, flashing tractor pendant, teeny-tiny padlock and key. First to Find: no certifcate, but feel free to take any item you desire as a reward. |
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
6/26/2010 by Kabuthunk
Quite the distance between this cache and my previous cache today. I ended up having multiple places I had to be today. Thankfully they managed to not entirely over eachothers time, so I was able to make everything happen today... even it it meant adding a good few kilometers to the car's odometer . So after having been finished with downtown, I had a little bit of time to play with before the next thing.
I found a cache downtown as I said, and then booted it way out over to here. I didn't actually even need to be here for another 2 hours, but I figured that would have given me plenty of time to find a few geocaches (it turned out to be two geocaches, and about 40 plus minutes on a DNF ). This one was almost right across the street from the apartment where I needed to in a while, so I just parked there and walked on over. I imagine because of the drizzle, it was surprisingly quiet out... very few people walking around, and very few cars to deal with. Which is a surprise, because it was actually quite nice out, aside from it being a bit humid (although the downpour that we got shortly after I got to the apartment took care of that).
So I quickly found my way towards the coordinates, where I discovered this... very peculiar wall. Strange that I never really noticed it before, having driven by here a dozen times or so. What's even stranger is that it's not lined up much at all, has overlapping sections here and there, and doesn't actually appear to have any purpose whatsoever. Very perplexing to say the least. Actually, when I arrived, I figured the name of the cache had something to do with the wall, since the coordinates seemed to be taking me towards it in general. I pondered during the walk what CSS could possibly stand for... the most I could come up with was 'Cement Sectional Stuff"... which barely made sense at best . I imagine it was used as some kind of separating wall... somewhere or another nearby, and was moved here after no longer being needed. Can't fathom why they didn't outright remove it, or at the bare minimum at least place the pieces end-to-end so it actually looks proper. If they're going to leave it here, at least clean them up a bit... maybe slap on another coat of paint to make it look less run-down. Or even power-spray the old paint off, since the look of straight concrete can actually be quite pleasing.
I have to say that I highly thought of climbing it though .
But that pondering aside, I arrived at the coordinates, and actually found the cache quite quickly. It ended up taking longer to try to figure out how to extricate the cache from its hiding spot than it was to find it! But eventually, it finally gave in and I had the cache in hand . Glancing around again, there was still nobody even remotely in the vicinity. Crouching down, I took a look at the cache contents, but didn't see anything that caught my eye. Adding a chainmail ball to the mix, I signed the logbook and replaced the cache as found. Hopefully it'll be as tricky to get for the next person as it was for me
Thanks for getting a cache happening here though. It was nice to be able to find something so close to where I had to be for the day .
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)