Big brain

Kabs is gonna be pissed.

And Mother Brain, smarts to go with her size.


And we have a pile of art updates! Of sorts! The Teeth of Dahlver-Nar is nearly complete! With the arrival of the paints, we have COMPLETELY finished painting the teeth (see completed pic here, better arranged pic to come after the coats of topcoat have dried). The Kabutroid figurine has taken a bit of a break while we work on these, and to wait for the post-tattoo enamel coating to dry solid, and shortly to come is the teeth pouch, and then back to dragons and staves! So it's mainly been the teeth, but there's been a TON of progress on the teeth, like 8 hours a day to get that far. It's lookin' good :D

So yah, I'm really happy to be finishing off some of these older projects. Oh, also that Box of Many Things and the Dice Tower will be coming shortly too, that'll mostly take care of the 'older' projects that have been waiting for completion. But it nears :D


Oh, well... my first obstacle. We have work to do.

*hop* *hop*
Ok, now the letter 'a'...
You know, this would be a lot easier if you just-

Most sprites are property of Nintendo, who are awesome and and amazing and stuff, and also this is a parody and also it's always ever been free.
Comics, ideas, Kabutroid, and other custom content owned by KatieLynne Jackson. I'm pretty easygoing, and really don't mind all that much if you make content based on my content and stuff. Just don't go impersonating me and we're cool.