Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Page

Box-Art Contains scannings of the game box (front and back), cartridge top, instruction manual, and the instructions themselves (.txt format)
Enemies Contains screenshots, the single sprites, and information on every foe in the game.
Non-Enemies Contains sprites and info of all weapons, armour, containers, treasure, and any other miscellaneous things found in the game.
Walkthrough A walkthough for how I personally find it easiest to avoid dying, and finish the game. A typical walkthrough, in typical walkthrough format (.txt).

Other D&D type items

Vampire the Masquerade
Legend of the Five Rings stuff!
Kabs' first DM experience
D20 holder
D&D/Paizo/L5R logo mashup
Harrow Deck of Many Things
Deck of Many Things
Deck of hazards
Tarot of Many Things
*original* Deck of Many Things o_o
Aesgareth Deck of Many Things
Lesser Deck of Many Things
Deck of Illusions?
Deck of Many More Things
Deck of Wonder
- Deck of Dimensions, Miscellany,
- - Oracles, Wild Cards, Card Sharp's,
- - Fate Dealer's, House of Cards
- - The Charm of Many Things
Sky of Many Things
Epic Level Deck of Many Things!
Deck of Chance
Deck of Wondrous Power
The Bags of Tricks
The Bag of Beans
The Teeth of Dahlver-Nar
The Rival Coin
The Wand of Wonder
The Scroll of Titan Summoning
The Deck of Many Tarrasques
Harrow bag(s)
The dice collection
Dice tower (bag)
d100 magic item table
Giant chonk
The cube!
Simon and Lotus
All of the Many Things draws!

Character sheets:
L5R: Hiruma Kabu
L5R: Su sh i (main page)
My very first D&D character sheet: Kabutroid
The long-lost characters
Raven Facebiter (YouTube playlist)
Mountain Dance

Play a little RPG:
Lost House 3
- Speed runs
THE WINDMILL - Lost House 4
- D&D stat block (html)
- Speed runs

- Whimsical Windmill

Link to: Random Stuff


The Forest Came to Life - a level 20 one-shot
The Dead Arise - a full 1-23 epic level campaign!

A cute lil gazer, a creature with four eye stalks coming from its heads and one central eye with an X shaped pupil
Bordered grey square that says 'summon gazer'

This is Khorgah, a friendly fellow. He and his pet gazer Akthul keep an eye on things here.

A strange sort of creature, Khorgah is not quite like other beholders, in that his central eye has been replaced with that of a Nothic. He thus seeks knowledge rather than anything else, and so when not around, his pet Akthul is off seeking tomes for his perusal.

Polf, our resident Flumph, showed up later. Amused by the unusual things found here, she hangs around to see what turns up next.

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